Empire sunset

A lovely evening at The Top of the Rock in NYC!

On our last trip to NYC, I made a point to get up here for sunset.  Having seen so many pics from here over the years, I had to bag my own.  It turned out to be a decent sunset - not magical - but I walked away feeling satisfied.

Recently, Luminar from Macphun came out and I have been really enjoying using it to process my images.  It's easy and intuitive and yet very powerful.  Between Luminar and Aurora HDR, that's all I use now.  Below is a video outlining how I processed this photo in Luminar.  I was able to give it quite a bit of punch, which I love to do.  Enjoy!

In this video, I edit a lovely sunset from NYC in the new Luminar from Macphun. In just a couple of minutes, I take it from drab to colorful, expressive and fun. Luminar is literally allowing me to save shots I would have otherwise ignored.

If you are interested in learning more about Luminar, you can read my review right here, or click the banner ad below to be taken to the Macphun site.  Let me know if you have any questions!


Create an Autumn Look in Luminar


Five Filters I Love in Luminar