iPhone fun in Nashville and OKC

Last week was a busy one for me, traveling to Nashville and OKC and firing quite a few shots along the way.  Today's post is a summary of that trip, with all photos taken and processed on my iPhone.  I haven't had time to process anything from my real camera yet, because I am on the road again.  Pop on in and see what's cooking!

Last week I was in Nashville and then Oklahoma City - 6 flights, 2 hotels, 2 rental cars, and countless photos!

My first night of the trip and I was rewarded with this stunning sunset over Nashville!

I couldn't resist taking out the iPhone when I looked out the plane and saw these clouds.

It was a great week, although I was extremely busy.  Luckily I found time each day to get out and shoot (even though I had a conference call one evening during sunset - doh!).  I enjoy my visits to both of these cities.  I have been to both of them many times, and still find plenty of new stuff to shoot.  They are interesting cities, and beautiful in their own ways.  These (clearly) aren't the "big name" American cities, but I still find a lot to like about them.

I stumbled across this in an alleyway in Nashville

A different view of that first night's sunset in Nashville

So today's post is a quick iPhone highlight tour of my travels last week.  There is no theme, other than they are all iPhone shots processed in Snapseed.  I hit my usual haunts in those cities and found some new ones.  I shot some cityscapes and skylines.  I was (mostly) out at sunset.  I stumbled through some alleyways and found some new graffiti.  It was a good week, all around.

I am on the road again, but this time with the family, and heading West instead of East.  More to come from this current adventure (and I will find some time to process shots from Nashville and OKC that were taken with my lovely Olympus).  I have already captured about 1000 photos this week.  You can take a look at my current iPhone shots on Flickr. We are currently in Arizona and heading further West.  More to come about our grand summer family adventure!  (and yes, I will find time to process all the photos I am capturing, and there is a lot more shooting coming my way!).

Also, I am only planning this single post for this week.  With it being a short week for those of us in the US, and with me being on the road with sketchy wifi access, I figured it would be easiest to just spend time with the family and my camera and enjoy life a bit.  So follow me on Flickr to see current iPhone pics from the road, and come back next week because I have a lot to share!

I hope you enjoy the shots, and thanks for stopping by today!

another alleyway find in Nashville

on Route 66 in OKC

part of a mural in OKC

golden hour over LP Field in Nashville

the OKC Memorial

where the thunder rolls!

cool stuff i found in nashville - of course it is music-related in that city!

i love trains and graffiti - shot this in the gulch in nashville

another view of Lp field in nashville

another view of Lp field in nashville

from okc, another part of an extensive mural downtown

i spent some time driving along route 66 in okc - not a lot of great finds but loved this spot!

another scene from another alley in nashville - i just love grungy scenes like this.  and i love peanuts too!

the golden hour over lp field was impossible to pass up!

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Europe, France, iPhone, Paris, Travel Jim Nix Europe, France, iPhone, Paris, Travel Jim Nix

iPhone fun in Paris

How about some iPhone shots from my recent visit to Paris, France?  Sound good?  Great!  Here you go!  This is 10 iPhone pics from that beautiful city we all love.  Take a look and let me know your thoughts!

Ah Paris, you are so beautiful!

Paris is one heck of a beautiful city!  It has quickly become one of my favorite spots.  Now I have heard everyone else say that too, and always discounted it a little bit.  I mean, everyone knows Paris is beautiful.  That's all you ever hear about the place.

And whenever possible, I like to visit new places, because I guess I have a thing about seeing new stuff for the first time.  I love that feeling.  And I was in Paris about a year and a half ago.  While I was looking forward to this return visit, it wasn't like some OMG I'M GOING TO PARIS thing.

It was more like a "nice, this will be enjoyable" kind of thing.  But it turned into an OMG thing I guess.  I just really, really, really liked it a lot.  

It helped that I was able to see and photograph a LOT of new things, which always helps.  But there's just something about Paris, and well, I guess it's gotten ahold of me somehow.  Oh well, there are worse things, aren't there?

And as I said before I took about 4000 pics in Paris, but I have barely even started on trying to process and share them.  I just haven't had time.  So today's post is a little iPhone summary of some shots I took at various points over the week or so I spent in Paris.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them!  You can click on any photo to enlarge it, in case you want to see it a little bigger.  And all of these were taken with my iPhone 6 and adjusted in Snapseed (which is the best iPhone editing app in my opinion).  Enjoy!

Inside the lovely Notre Dame one evening

the main hallway in the Musee D'Orsay

Sacre Coeur

the entry to Versailles

The chapel inside Versailles

The ceiling of the cafe inside the Musee d'Orsay

Outside the Louvre waiting in line

 Inside the Paris Opera Garnier

C'mon you know this spot right?

the dome inside Les Invalides (Napoleon's tomb)

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Bayeux, Europe, France, iPhone, Travel Jim Nix Bayeux, Europe, France, iPhone, Travel Jim Nix

iPhone fun in Bayeux, France

It's about time for another iPhone post, don't you think?

As I mentioned here in a previous iPhone post, I am way behind in sharing all these little images I grab with my iPhone when I travel.  I was going through my iPhone photos recently and started counting up all the trips that I have taken over the last year or so, but haven't done an iPhone post on yet.  It's about 10.  That's too many.

So today, I am taking one off the list: Bayeux, France.

Let me start by repeating that I am WAY behind here.  This trip was in June last year.  See what I mean?  I'm way behind, but hey at least I'm trying!

You might not think it from my inability to be consistent with these posts, but I actually enjoy them quite a bit.  It's fun to run through 5-10 iPhone photos, process them and remember the scene, then relive it in my mind.  It's like a miniature virtual vacation, but without the cramped airplane seats.

But since I travel pretty frequently, and also of course I have my "regular" photos that I share here 5 times per week, plus I am starting to write more articles...well, I just get behind on things.

Anyways, Bayeux is a great little town and I really enjoyed staying there for a few days.  We chose the town due to it's proximity to Normandy/Omaha Beach, since we wanted to go to the American Cemetery there.  Talk about a thought-provoking place.  Wow.

But in addition to the World War II stuff, we just wandered and enjoyed this little town.  I definitely recommend it as a base for Normandy, but you should absolutely have a car while there.  You won't need it in town, but it makes it so much easier to get to the places you will want to go.

There is a beautiful cathedral (the first picture) and of course I just love shooting street scenes and the little shops that are scattered around.  They're just so inviting looking to me.

Also, if you haven't seen it here before, I created an iPhone gallery on the site so you can just check out some of my favorites.  I continue to upload more photos there as I get to them.  Here's the link: http://nomadicpursuits.com/iphone-gallery

And by the way, all my iPhone photos are taken with the built-in camera app, and adjusted with Snapseed.  Snapseed is so powerful and is basically all I ever use anymore!

Thanks for stopping by today!

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iPhone fun around Central Texas

I still shoot a lot with my iPhone - how about you?

I am really happy that I have an iPhone and that with a few apps, I can create some artwork just about anytime I want to.  It's a fabulous creative tool and I totally enjoy it.  In fact, I shoot with my iPhone very often.  It's just that I don't share the photos here that much anymore.  I should change that.

I've been thinking about that a lot lately, and trying to figure out why that is.  I still take a lot of iPhone pics, and I share some on my Facebook page and even put some into this set on Flickr, but I haven't done many iPhone posts here this year.  

The last one was back in August, after I returned from France.  Prior to that, it was in May.  See?  I am way behind here.

So, I figured I would do a little catching up with this post today.  While I could almost do one of these each week, that's not my intention.  I will continue to do some of these on a random basis, but I have so many HDR photos taken with my Nikon from my travels over the last couple of years that I will be working on those for a long time (and that's a good thing, in my opinion).

Plus, shooting HDR with my Nikon is pretty much my favorite thing in the world, so I have to keep doing that, for my sanity if nothing else. :-)

So, these photos today were all taken either here in Austin or up in Fredericksburg, TX in the Texas hill country over the last few weeks, and of course they were all taken with my iPhone 4S.  Also, the three main apps I used on these photos are Snapseed, ProHDR and Camera+.  I used at least one of those apps on each of these, and maybe all 3 on 1 or 2 of them.  I can't remember, to be honest about it.  

Now I just need to find some time to share the iPhone pics I have taken lots of other places.  Stay tuned! 

Since my last iPhone post, I have taken trips to Nashville (3 times!), Germany (Leipzig, Dresden, and Berlin), Amsterdam and Brussels, Phoenix, London and Scotland (both Glasgow and Edinburgh), and probably some other places that I cannot remember right now.  

And yes, I took iPhone pics in every one of those spots (plus more Nikon images than I can count).  So maybe I should get busy, because unless I am mistaken I haven't done an iPhone blog post from any of those trips.

And I even got out on Thanksgiving Eve here in Austin recently (with a couple of family members) and got some shots during sunset.  It ended up being a pretty nice evening!

Well thanks for stopping by today, and I hope you enjoyed viewing these iPhone pics as much as I enjoyed taking, processing, and sharing them!  Come back soon for more!  I will try and be a bit more regular about these iPhone posts!  :-)

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Texas, Travel, Waco, iPhone Jim Nix Texas, Travel, Waco, iPhone Jim Nix

iPhone fun in Waco

I drove up to Dallas on Monday this week (from Austin), which means I had to pass through Waco, TX en route.  Waco is not a town I would normally stop in, but I had my camera so I decided to check out their suspension bridge which I had seen pics of online.  It’s pretty awesome! 

I have a thing for bridges anyways, so any excuse to fire some brackets at one works for me.  Of course my iPhone is always with me, so I also grabbed a few quick snaps with it as well.


As you can see,  had some pretty exciting clouds in the skies...and maybe I went a little heavy on the processing with Snapseed.  But, that’s half the fun of it, right?  I find with the iPhone I enjoy going past reality on the processing at times.  How about you?


When I was leaving the bridge, I took a wrong turn and happened upon a beautiful little church.  So, I ventured in there for some more bracketing and iPhone fun as well.  I left a couple of $ in their collection box, which the sign indicated was for preservation of the mural. Believe me, the mural is awesome and well worth preserving.  Glad I could help!

Thanks for stopping by today!

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