Bokeh, Misc Jim Nix Bokeh, Misc Jim Nix

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all my readers! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and thank you for following along on my adventures. More coming in 2019!

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Europe, France, Paris, Travel Jim Nix Europe, France, Paris, Travel Jim Nix

Merry Christmas from Paris!

A very Merry Christmas to you and yours!

No, I'm not in Paris right now...darnit.  ;-)

I took this photo on our recent trip over there. This is in the Galleries Lafayette which is right behind the Opera Garnier (which you will want to visit anyways).  While I generally detest shopping (except at camera stores, of course), I always make an exception when in Paris and visit this spot.  That big tree is in the center of the store and extends several stories up from the ground, which you can sort of see in the shot.  Pretty impressive!

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Austin, Misc, Texas, HDR Jim Nix Austin, Misc, Texas, HDR Jim Nix

Happy Holidays!

Wishing you and yours a very happy and prosperous holiday season!

Hope everyone out there has a wonderful holiday season - whatever your beliefs and traditions are.  Just enjoy it, and I will be back soon with more photos (of course).

This is the Christmas tree in the Driskill Hotel in downtown Austin.  I shot this on Christmas Day 4 years ago, and though I have shared it here before, I figured it was the best image I had for today's here it is.  Plus, I doubt many of you saw it back then.

Enjoy your holidays!

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Europe, France, Paris, Travel Jim Nix Europe, France, Paris, Travel Jim Nix

Christmas with Quasimodo

Ah, the beauty of Notre Dame in Paris!  And even prettier with a huge Christmas tree out front!  Click on through and have a look - there are 7 photos for you to enjoy today my friends!

Notre Dame is always beautiful, but takes it up a level at Christmas!

On my first night in Paris recently, I wandered from my apartment in the Latin Quarter over towards Notre Dame, partly because I wanted to see it, and partly to get along the Seine River where you can find so much great stuff to shoot.

When I arrived, they were in the process of putting up a Christmas tree, and I knew I had to return to capture that.  As the saying goes, you don't see THAT everyday.

So on a couple of different nights during that week, I found myself back here at Notre Dame, staring up at that amazing facade and trying to spot Quasimodo in one of the bell towers (no luck on that one).  But despite missing out on seeing the Hunchback himself, I did manage to grab a few photos of the cathedral.

I've seen Notre Dame several times in my life, and I'm very thankful for that.  But I must say that seeing it with a huge Christmas tree out front, and standing there while the bells ring, is truly magnificent.

(click any photo to embiggen)

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Austin, HDR, Texas Jim Nix Austin, HDR, Texas Jim Nix

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!  Thanks so much for your support in 2012!

It’s been a great year, and I will share a post later this week looking back on my year in photography.  But now, time to wrap some gifts and eat some candy. :-)

This is the famous Christmas tree that is displayed each year in the lobby of the Driskill Hotel, here in Austin, TX.  It’s a fabulous hotel and a beautiful tree, so enjoy the view and I will be back with more photos after the holiday!

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Happy Holidays to all!

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a wonderful Holiday Season!  Thanks so much for the visits, the comments, the Likes, and all that stuff.  It’s been great fun for me and I plan to keep bringing you nice photos to look at each week!

I took this shot a year ago when I was in Beaver Creek, CO.  This is a single long exposure (30 seconds) and the reason I wanted to share it today is that it has three elements in it that represent Christmas to me: the first being (quite obviously) the trees all lit up, the second being the snow (though it is not looking too good here due to the blurred cars passing by), and the third being the light trails of those passing cars, which to me symbolize how rapidly the Holidays come and go - they just whiz by!

Hope you enjoy your Holidays and thanks again for stopping by!  I’ll be back next week with more exciting and beautiful pictures!

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Austin, HDR, Texas Jim Nix Austin, HDR, Texas Jim Nix

The Driskill Christmas Tree

Ah, Christmas.  Ain't it fun?  It's that time of year to eat, shop, and eat some more.  Usually we have everyone to our house for the "big dinner" but this year we decided to go to The Driskill Hotel for Christmas dinner.  It was quite a treat and the food was excellent.  Plus, I didn't have to clean the kitchen!  For those of you not familiar with Austin, The Driskill Hotel is sort of the Grand Dame of Austin hotels.  It was built in 1886 and occupies a prime piece of property in the center of downtown.  It's a beautiful place and is photographed quite often.  For me, this tree has been one of those things that you photograph but are never satisfied with - at least until now.  I shot this last year, quite a few different ways, and never liked it, so the pics just sat on my hard drive and took up space.  But since we were going there on Christmas day this year, I thought I would give it another try.  This time I feel like it came out pretty well, so here it is.  Hope you all enjoyed Christmas!

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