Vintage Venice

Venice is a beautiful town, even when it’s turned a little vintage.

I love to experiment with my photographs. New techniques, old techniques, you name it. It’s fun and always educational to just test out ideas on photos and see what you can create. Take today’s photo for instance. This was a gorgeous sunset in Venice, Italy and really didn’t need any post processing from me to ensure it came across as beautiful as it was in real life. However I decided why not try something a little old school on it? You know, give it a little vintage charm and see how it looks? So I added a water-stained paper texture to it and made some other changes, and came up with this. Is it amazing? No, not really. I like it, but it’s not going to win any awards. But I did have a good time creating this look, and that’s always worth it to me.


The backstreets of Prague


Luminar Workflow: Radial Masks for the Win!