Sunset at Moraine Lake

Although I am still on the road, I am trying to find time to edit some of the many shots I took at Moraine Lake. It's an incredibly beautiful spot!

I may go on record and say Moraine Lake is the most beautiful spot I have ever seen, and I have seen a lot. It's just so breathtaking. During our time in Banff, we spent two evenings here while I was firing away. I have a lot of shots to get to but wanted to start with this one.

Sunset was pretty stellar on that evening and I was atop the large rock pile at the end of the lake. There's an easy trail you can walk on to get to the top, and numerous points where you can set up and start shooting. I wandered all over looking for multiple vantage points and found plenty.

I will be sharing a LOT more photos from this spot, not just because I have them, but because this place really got into my soul in a way. I have been here before but this was the first time I have really photographed Moraine Lake. I hope to return someday and do it all again.

This photo is a 3 exposure HDR built using Aurora HDR by Macphun (learn how right here) and then some adjustments were made in Luminar using some of my presets (you can find those here).


The London Eye


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