Shooting the canals

I really love Amsterdam, but not for those reasons.  :-)

It's a great town in my opinion, and great for photography.  I suppose if you were into street photography, that you would find Amsterdam to be rather colorful and fun for that sort of thing. But as you know from coming here before (if this is your first visit, WELCOME!), street photography ain't my thing.

I don't shoot portraits, weddings, or what is typically known as street photography.  I do shoot a lot of street scenes though.  I love that stuff.  And no, I am not trying to confuse the matter.  

Anyways, in Amsterdam as you know there are a LOT of canals.  The city's identity rests primarily with the canals.  It's defined by water.  So being a guy who loves HDR and reflections, well...that's what draws me in.  I could shoot that stuff all day.

So on my last visit there, I spent one evening out shooting with my friend Michiel Buijse, who is relatively local and a great photographer.  You should go see his work.  He's good.  So we spent a great deal of time shooting things like this, partly because it's awesome and partly because you see this stuff at every turn.  Not a bad way to spend an evening, actually!


The altar at Christ Church Cathedral


Over Bratislava