The facade of Bayeux Cathedral

I just love all the cathedrals in Europe!

I really do.  They all are so beautiful, and since they are usually hundreds of years old, I just find they possess a lot of character.  Plus there is so much attention to detail and just pure awesomeness about them.  You just don't find very many like this in the US.  It's just not our thing, I guess.

When I was in France last summer, the first town that we stopped in was Bayeux, which is in Normandy and put us nearby the beaches that were used in World War II.  It's a great little town and I really enjoyed wandering the streets there.  Then again, I enjoy wandering the streets just about anywhere, actually, so that's not exactly breaking news.  LOL

Whenever I am headed to a new town in Europe, I always look it up beforehand and find what look to be great photo spots for me to target.  I also Google the churches in whichever town I am headed to, since they tend to be huge, beautiful historic things and I just love to shoot them. It also seems the towns are usually built around at least one of these beauties, do they are often nearby and easy to reach.

This one sits sort of at the top of a small hill and is impossible to miss, with those huge spires jutting into the sky.  I got there one evening during blue hour (which is kind of obvious, I guess) and thank goodness for my wide angle lens!  I was all the way back against a wall of another building when I took this shot.  But that's why I love my wide angle gets so much in the shot!


Morning in Dublin


iPhone fun in Amboise, France