Denver busy-ness

This was a fun shot to process, but I realize there is all kinds of crap going on here.  It’s very busy, but what the hell, right?

I took this one in Denver, CO on a rainy afternoon.  I had been in the Convention Center shooting with Justin Balog and Rick Louie, both talented local photographers and great guys.  After finishing there, we started walking down the street, stopping at this little train station thing.

Since it was raining, we of course stayed under the covered area and shot at some of the passing commuter trains running by.  But at some point, I turned around and decided I would shoot this scene.  Yes, it’s a busy mess but I really like how the left side seems so cold, and the right side is so warm.  There are a lot of lines going this way and that, and though it’s busy, I thought it worked.  

What do you think?


Enchanted Rock landscape


Morning at the Temple Bar