Tips & Tricks Jim Nix Tips & Tricks Jim Nix

Presets vs LUTs in Luminar Neo

Today’s tutorial compares presets and LUTs in Luminar Neo. I cover the pros and cons of each, what the major differences are between them, and discuss and demonstrate when, why and how I use them in my editing. Enjoy!

I’ve recently gotten several questions about presets and LUTs, mostly about trying to understand the difference between these two tools. So as I tend to do, I made a video about it. I also created a chart that shows all the differences, and you can download a copy of it if you join my newsletter (plus you get some Luminar presets and more - all for FREE!).

Both tools are excellent, although I feel they are built for different uses. I use both in my editing at times - sometimes it is one or the other, and sometimes I use both on a single image. It just depends on the look I am trying to achieve.

Check out today’s tutorial video and let me know if you have any questions!

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