Catching a ferry to the islands

Have you been to the San Juan Islands yet?  You should go!

As part of our super summer road trip, we took off up north of Seattle and caught the car ferry from Anacortes over to Friday Harbor (on San Juan Island, Washington State), where we stayed for about a week.  It's a great place.  Very quaint and quiet and very beautiful.  I have plenty of shots still to process from my time on the island...but today I am sharing shots I took on the ferry ride.  It was quite the ride my friends!

Because we were driving up from our stay in Oregon, we happened to schedule our ferry ride for the evening and as such were on the ferry during sunset - oh darn!  Sometimes you get lucky, and this was one of those times.  Every now and then it happens.

We departed Anacortes for the ~1 hour ferry ride and immediately I knew that sunset was going to be pretty kickass.  You know, sometimes you can just tell, right?

So as soon as we were on board, I left the car with the camera in hand (no need for a tripod when your method of transportation is moving, right?) and headed up stairs to get on the back deck.  I wanted some shots of the ferry terminal and then I planned to walk around and shoot for the hour.

It turns out most of the sunset action was behind us, so I was in a great spot already.  I did some meandering just to make sure (I can't stand to miss something) but always ended up back on the back deck of the ferry, firing madly into the sunset.  It was pretty awesome and only got better and better.

If you ever find yourself in Seattle and want a little break from the city, I highly recommend hopping over to the San Juan Islands - well worth a visit!


The summer of awesomeness


Blue hour in Boston