Christmas in Austin

How about a few shots of the Christmas lights in Austin?  Well, here you go!

37th Street in central Austin has historically been a great street for viewing the Christmas lights. Basically all the houses are decked out in typical Austin weirdness, and it's a lot of fun.  But truth be told, I didn't shoot these photos this year.  These are from a couple of years ago when Trey Ratcliff hosted a large photo walk here.  I showed up early to beat the crowd, and got my shots in before it became pure madness.  It was great.

I haven't made it over there this year yet, and not sure if I will.  I hear different things from different folks about this street.  Some say it's no longer a tradition and thus it doesn't happen like it used to.  Some say it still exists.  Does anyone out there know if it is lit up this year?  Yes, I could make the drive over there and find out myself.  Maybe I will.

Anyways, even though these are 2 years late...better late than never, right??  Hope you have a wonderful holiday season, wherever you are, and hope you get to see lots of holiday lights too!


Happy Holidays!


2014 - Year in Review